Late-Breaking/Demo Guidelines

Late-Breaking/Demo presentations will take place on Friday afternoon, at the locations where the regular poster presentations and sponsor exhibits have been taking place.

Each LBD presenter will be allocated a poster board, as well as a demo table with power facilities, in case this has been indicated to the LBD chairs in advance. LBD presentations will only take place at these poster boards, and will not be accompanied by any plenary oral sessions.

Setup of the posters will take place during the Friday lunch break. During this lunch break, demos can also be set up and pre-tested, but please be aware that there still will be a plenary session after the lunch break, and leaving equipment in the demo spaces during this session will be at your own risk.

Poster boards are 200 cm (height) x 90 cm (width) each, meaning that A0 portrait posters are the largest formats that can be accommodated.

For printing, it is possible to have your poster printed in Delft, for example at the Copie-Sjop near Delft station.