
ISMIR 2019 will feature 6 tutorials on November 4, 2019.

The tutorials take place in various lecture rooms at our main conference venue (Aula Conference Centre, Mekelweg 5, Delft): follow the local signage to get to the right rooms.

Morning tutorials

[T1] Fundamentals of Music Processing: An Introduction using Python and Jupyter Notebooks by Meinard Müller and Frank Zalkow
Location: Collegezaal B (Lecture room B)

[T2] Generating Music with GANs: An Overview and Case Studies by Hao-Wen Dong and Yi-Hsuan Yang
Location: Collegezaal A (Lecture room A)

[T3] Audiovisual Music Processing by Zhiyao Duan, Slim Essid, Bochen Li and Sanjeel Parekh
Location: Collegezaal C (Lecture room C)

Afternoon tutorials

[T4] Computational Modeling of Musical Expression: Perspectives, Datasets, Analysis and Generation by Carlos Cancino-Chaćon, Katerina Kosta and Maarten Grachten
Location: Collegezaal B (Lecture room B)

[T5] Waveform-based music processing with deep learning by Sander Dieleman, Jordi Pons and Jongpil Lee
Location: Collegezaal A (Lecture room A)

[T6] Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Music Information Research (FAT-MIR) by Emilia Gómez, Andre Holzapfel, Marius Miron and Bob L. Sturm
Location: Collegezaal C (Lecture room C)